Saturday, July 21, 2012


Probably the only thing I will be "cocky" about is my hair.  I hardly ever cut these locks because somehow my hair stays very healthy!
These are some of my tips to keep your long hair (don't care) beautiful!
  • Go natural!  Don't straighten or curl your hair EVERYDAY, your hair follicles become ruined and break off.  Plus, how would you feel if someone straightened you everyday!
  • Don't shower everyday!  Well no... do shower everyday you smelly girl, but don't wash your hair everyday! Trust me. Don't do it. 
        • TIP:  If your hair is oily looking throw some baby powder on your head!  Dark hair can do the same... you just really have to brush it in.
  • When washing your hair; just shampoo the roots, and condition the ends. 
  • The shampoo I use tends to not matter, but the conditioner is very important to keeping yourself from having split ends (maybe I made that up) but I strongly suggest using Mane n' Tail.  
  • For the last minute of your shower turn your water to cold!
  • Don't hold the hairdryer too close to your head!  You smell something cooking? Yep-- that is your hair. 
Whenever I do notice my hair starting to look dry at the ends I either:
1. Soak my hair in conditioner for an hour.
2. Rub Vaseline on my ends and let that sit for an hour.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A BUG has stolen Guinevere's heart.

SO Guinevere has this fetish for this TARANTULA that is at the local pet store near her house in Oregon. When I went to visit last summer, we went to this pet store. Now a little something to know, any spider to me is a HUGE, disgusting, gross, scary, UGLY, spider. I usually kill them, squish them super hard and squeeze the tissue(s) as hard as I can telling myself and the spider who's boss and they shouldn't be trespassing. BUT this dumb, oddly nice spider was held that day!
When Guinevere was going to place THAT on ME! 
Then here's Guinevere, all nonchalant about it....ya ya ya
At the end of my amazing time holding it (HA!)
We kissed it goodbye. Well I didn't but I'm sure Guinevere did and the spider probably now has a crush on Guinevere but she literally visits that thing like a few times a month...Poor spider with no soul.
tata spider I pretended to like!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Silence is GOLDEN.

This morning I was doing my Devo' and reading out of the book called Jesus Calling. It's the best little devo' book one can buy. I've been feeling super guilty lately due to my horrible daily stray away from my quiet time. I began to pray and I knew that Jesus was speaking to me right then and there. It's amazing the wonders he works and what little things he places on our hearts. When I was reading and listening to my Pandora Playlist by Phil Wickham, this song came on! He literally blows me away! I broke down, while I was babysitting.. Luckily Collette is only 5 months old or else she would have thought I was a freak!! God is so good, so forgiving, so flawless. I wish I could pay Him back but nothing I do will be good enough. So I praise and thank Him everyday. He is good. 
Enjoy and thank Him. 

"Here in the Quiet speak to me now

My ears are open to

Your gentle sweet whispering

Break down the door, come inside

Shine down Your bright light

I need a lamp for my feet"