Saturday, July 21, 2012


Probably the only thing I will be "cocky" about is my hair.  I hardly ever cut these locks because somehow my hair stays very healthy!
These are some of my tips to keep your long hair (don't care) beautiful!
  • Go natural!  Don't straighten or curl your hair EVERYDAY, your hair follicles become ruined and break off.  Plus, how would you feel if someone straightened you everyday!
  • Don't shower everyday!  Well no... do shower everyday you smelly girl, but don't wash your hair everyday! Trust me. Don't do it. 
        • TIP:  If your hair is oily looking throw some baby powder on your head!  Dark hair can do the same... you just really have to brush it in.
  • When washing your hair; just shampoo the roots, and condition the ends. 
  • The shampoo I use tends to not matter, but the conditioner is very important to keeping yourself from having split ends (maybe I made that up) but I strongly suggest using Mane n' Tail.  
  • For the last minute of your shower turn your water to cold!
  • Don't hold the hairdryer too close to your head!  You smell something cooking? Yep-- that is your hair. 
Whenever I do notice my hair starting to look dry at the ends I either:
1. Soak my hair in conditioner for an hour.
2. Rub Vaseline on my ends and let that sit for an hour.

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