Saturday, July 21, 2012


Probably the only thing I will be "cocky" about is my hair.  I hardly ever cut these locks because somehow my hair stays very healthy!
These are some of my tips to keep your long hair (don't care) beautiful!
  • Go natural!  Don't straighten or curl your hair EVERYDAY, your hair follicles become ruined and break off.  Plus, how would you feel if someone straightened you everyday!
  • Don't shower everyday!  Well no... do shower everyday you smelly girl, but don't wash your hair everyday! Trust me. Don't do it. 
        • TIP:  If your hair is oily looking throw some baby powder on your head!  Dark hair can do the same... you just really have to brush it in.
  • When washing your hair; just shampoo the roots, and condition the ends. 
  • The shampoo I use tends to not matter, but the conditioner is very important to keeping yourself from having split ends (maybe I made that up) but I strongly suggest using Mane n' Tail.  
  • For the last minute of your shower turn your water to cold!
  • Don't hold the hairdryer too close to your head!  You smell something cooking? Yep-- that is your hair. 
Whenever I do notice my hair starting to look dry at the ends I either:
1. Soak my hair in conditioner for an hour.
2. Rub Vaseline on my ends and let that sit for an hour.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A BUG has stolen Guinevere's heart.

SO Guinevere has this fetish for this TARANTULA that is at the local pet store near her house in Oregon. When I went to visit last summer, we went to this pet store. Now a little something to know, any spider to me is a HUGE, disgusting, gross, scary, UGLY, spider. I usually kill them, squish them super hard and squeeze the tissue(s) as hard as I can telling myself and the spider who's boss and they shouldn't be trespassing. BUT this dumb, oddly nice spider was held that day!
When Guinevere was going to place THAT on ME! 
Then here's Guinevere, all nonchalant about it....ya ya ya
At the end of my amazing time holding it (HA!)
We kissed it goodbye. Well I didn't but I'm sure Guinevere did and the spider probably now has a crush on Guinevere but she literally visits that thing like a few times a month...Poor spider with no soul.
tata spider I pretended to like!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Silence is GOLDEN.

This morning I was doing my Devo' and reading out of the book called Jesus Calling. It's the best little devo' book one can buy. I've been feeling super guilty lately due to my horrible daily stray away from my quiet time. I began to pray and I knew that Jesus was speaking to me right then and there. It's amazing the wonders he works and what little things he places on our hearts. When I was reading and listening to my Pandora Playlist by Phil Wickham, this song came on! He literally blows me away! I broke down, while I was babysitting.. Luckily Collette is only 5 months old or else she would have thought I was a freak!! God is so good, so forgiving, so flawless. I wish I could pay Him back but nothing I do will be good enough. So I praise and thank Him everyday. He is good. 
Enjoy and thank Him. 

"Here in the Quiet speak to me now

My ears are open to

Your gentle sweet whispering

Break down the door, come inside

Shine down Your bright light

I need a lamp for my feet"

"Skinny Girl" Workout!

In Haley's friendly words, I am a naturally skinny girl with a high metabolism.  I swam competitively for 11 years and played water polo for 5-- so I am used to eating whatever I want.
I have not worked out for about 3 years and yes, I am still skinny BUT I do need to continue to work out if I ever want to be Gisele Bundchen (pre or post baby)
No please Gisele, stay in the water, no one wants to see that.
The Workout:
1. Run a mile -- because that's as far I can go without dying
2. Lay on the ground because you can't get up
3. 25 crunches
4. 25 star crunches (X crunches, but personally I think you look more like a star than an X)
5. 25 hip bridges 
6. I wish I knew the name to this... get on all fours and bring one leg up so it is at a 90 degree angle,and slowly bring it in towards your chin. 25 both legs
7. Repeat above workout but straighten your leg
8. 25 squats
Now if you are feeling really adventurous, repeat all of that 3 times. 

Note: this is not a Victorias Secret workout.  It is my own lazy girl workout.

Salvation Mountain

September 2011, I (Guinevere) and one of my best friends Carlie took a trip to Salvation Mountain.
From Haley and my school in Riverside to Salvation Mountain is about a 3 hour drive.  During this drive you pass beautiful desert scenery and bodies of water you never knew existed. 
Once you arrive to the town you will assume you made a wrong turn somewhere.  Unfortunately I needed to use the bathroom and stopped at the nearest location.  If you ever wanted to feel like you were in House of Wax or Hills Have Eyes... then be my guest!  Stop and use the restrooms, take a stroll around the town! 
But don't get me wrong, once you finally pull up to the mound of Jesus art you will be blown away.  &&not by wind.. because it is about a million degrees outside.  

If you are ever in Southern California you should grab some God fearing friends that you can spend countless hours with, and boogy on down to Niland. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One F

What is it that attracts the female population to watch dating shows? Is it the chance of finding true love?  Possibly the eccentric locations the people travel to? Maybe it's the drama of the show. 
Is it.....
Jef Holm.
Not every dating show has Jef with one 'F' (we can all dream) but they have the one guy that is more down to earth and dresses like a church boy hipster-- you all know what I'm talking about.

Let's all enjoy his style && that hair..

yea I know right?

&& we can't forget those socks!

If Emily doesn't pick him then we are on the first plane out to Utah.


No-bake easy to make goodies!

15 Minute “Must-Haves!”
    (Hershey Hugs melted over Pretzels.)
The easiest, yummiest, treats ever!
All you’ll need:
·      Bag of Pretzels

·      Hershey’s Hugs (I prefer hugs, but the kisses are great too)
·      Cookie sheet
·      Wax Paper-For easy removal

  1. Heat your oven to 250. & Have a timer set for 5 minutes.
  2. Lay out as many Pretzels as you can on the cookie sheet. Make sure to not overlap them.
  3. Unwrap the hugs and place them right in the middle of the pretzel.
Place the cookie sheet in the oven. What I like to do is to turn the cookie sheet around at 2 minutes so that the Hugs melt evenly. At the end of the 5 minutes, look and see if the hugs are completely melted. If so, take the pretzels out and place the cookie sheet in the fridge for about 20 minutes. TADA!!! enjoy those amazing little pretzel bites!

Universal Outfit

Simple Outfit for those summer nights.
The activities that could be done in this outfit are unlimited. I have worn this to church, to dinners, to lounge around in, and even played basketball in this outfit.  Granted I did not play basketball very well (might not blame the outfit), but I was very comortable!
Jean Vest- H&M
White Tank- H&M
Black Maxi Skirt- Nordstrom B.P.
Sandals- Urban Outfitters
Necklace (so comfortable!)- Urban Outfitters-- on sale!
Cross Ring- Forever 21
Brown Bracelets- Nordstroms
Black Cross Bracelet- Giovanni Williams

Newport Sunsets

There's a famous beach in Southern California Called Newport Beach.
The sunsets are amazing and when there are clouds, they can't refuse to let the sun shine through. 

Psalm 104:3
 "You lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind"

West Coast Adventures.

:California Love:
 Well because Guinevere's from Oregon the adventures never stop. We've been to countless beaches, hiked the Hollywood sign, walked around the Playboy Mansion and talked to a talking rock.....We've been to the Infamous Pinks Hotdogs! 
Obviously being cool. 



Girl look at that body.

i Workout!

So Guin’s naturally skinny itty bitty, and I play volleyball. Naturally skinny people suck, Guinevere, you suck.

Here’s a little workout that I do everyday but I mix a bunch of exercises up daily.

Water is your best friend. The only drink you should drink EXCESSiVELY 

1.             Run/jog 1 mile.
2.             16 single leg lunges with 5 lb. weights. (8 each leg)
3.             30 crunches
4.             10 pushups (I prefer girl pushups, knees on the ground instead of the actual pushup position)
5.             20 standing calf raises
6.             30 second plank
7.             25 jumping jacks
8.             20 tricep dips
9.             15 lunge jump splits
10.          repeat 4 times! 

Oregon Sunset

July 16th, I went on a hunt to find the perfect cloud spot in my Oregon hometown.
These are my treasures from the drive.

it's the simple things. 

With Everything!

"With Everything" by Hillsong United is our choice for the weekly worship song.
"Break down our pride, 
and all the walls we've built up inside.  
Our earthly crowns and all our desires, we lay at Your feet."
This song is a great reminder that we are not in power of our lives.  Everything we do is for the Lord.
"So whether you eat, drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

DiY Infinity headband!

So Guinevere is craftier than I am but I have SO many ideas that come out like crap. But this is one of the items we have made.. Thanks to Guinevere's passion for cute DiY's!
Our DiY inspiration....

Our own DiY headbands!

Monday, July 16, 2012

About Us.


Hello darlings, my name is Guinevere.  I am a 20 year old from Oregon.  I have a heart for the Lord, and hair like Rapunzel. && I'm Haley, I'm 21 years old from So. Cal. I love Jesus also and I have hair like an Herbal Essence model. 
This blog is to express the love we have for the following:
& Being beautiful